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HR Manager Learns Union Reps are Signing Authorizations

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Suppose you are the HR manager and you learn that union representatives have been encouraging employees to sign authorization cards. What events usually follow in this process of organizing? Suggest three ways that the organization can legally respond and then select what you decide is the best way

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Usually by the time union organizers are encouraging employees to sign authorization cards, there has already been intial contact and support has already been built within the organization (via employees).

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Usually by the time union organizers are encouraging employees to sign authorization cards, there has already been intial contact and support has already been built within the organization (via employees). Once the union organizer has gained support and has a significant number of employees that have their authorization cards, the union files with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) for election. During this time there is a card check for validity and the barganing unit is defined. After this step is done, they hold the NLRB elections. The NLRB must have 50% + 1 to equate to a victory to unionize. If this is achieved, the union received the certification. After the election is won, there is a separate election to determine who will be the stewards and contract action team. A third election is held to select the negotiation committee. After all elections have taken place, the actual negotiations are done and finally, a contract agreement is drafted.

The part of organizing the employees to sign the authorization cards take much of the time as employees have several union meetings, rallies, and the like to glean ...

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