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A Discussion of Workplace Discrimination

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Please assist me with NOTES and IDEAS with getting this one started. I went with gender, racial and equal pay discrimination.

- Compose a background statement that indicates why workplace discrimination is of importance in terms of social concern or theoretical interest.
- This is important, because if workplace discrimination is not of importance in terms of theoretical interest or social concern, it likely is not worth researching and trying to resolve.
- Ask yourself why continuing to research this problem is important.

Also include why you think this is a problem and support that with rationale. You will want to state what is affected by the problem and how it is affected (beyond the population first identified in the previous assignment). Then, clearly define why this problem is important in terms of social concerns and theoretical interests specifically. Hint: Perhaps you could review theories that currently exist in research to determine which theory this research could expand upon.

This statement should be 1-3 pages with the remainder being your more detailed explanation of the problem statement with justifying documentation no more than five years old. Support your paper with a minimum of three (3) additional resources.

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This solution explains workplace discrimination. The sources used are also included in the solution.

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In accordance with BrainMass standards this is not a hand in ready statement but is only background help.

Step 1
Workplace discrimination is important in terms of social concern because workplace discrimination negatively impacts the individuals, businesses, and public health. In addition, workplace discrimination reinforces harmful prejudices.
Let us consider the impact on persons. The individuals who are discriminated against are less likely to be hired, are likely to be paid lower salaries, receive less on-job training, be overlooked for promotion, and immediately selected for discharging. Those who are discriminated against cannot pursue their professional ambitions, do not develop advanced skills, and has his prospects stunted. When a person discriminated against does not get the rewards of hard work, and innovation he loses initiative. A person who is discriminated against does not proactively pursue his career, he is forced to take breaks in his career, and his need for achievement is quashed. A person who is discriminated against experiences loss of appetite, weight loss, headaches, high blood pressure, ulcers, and loss of energy. The individual loses self-confidence, suffers from mental distress, anxiety, and insecurity. For example, a person who has been discriminated against in the workplace turns to drugs and becomes an addict. The social effects of workplace discrimination are that the person becomes isolated, feels depressed, withdraws from social relationships, and loses ability to build relationships. ...

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