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This posting discusses anti-discrimation laws.

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Federal laws enacted over the past 50+ years seek to deal with discrimination in employment. The kinds of discrimination addressed range from gender to race, and other categories as well. Are these various anti-discrimination laws necessary? Do they continue to serve a valid purpose? Is discrimination in the workplace a problem still? Should there be more and/or stronger laws in this area? Feel free to present examples of workplace discrimination from the news too.

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The solution provide discussion on anti-discrimination laws and the necessity of these laws in the workplace today.

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Are these various anti-discrimination laws necessary? Do they continue to serve a valid purpose? Is discrimination in the workplace a problem still? Should there be more and/or stronger laws in this area?

The laws do continue to serve a valid purpose and are necessary. The problem is that as the world has become more heavily populated over the past few decades, more and more people are competing for jobs, more people are in the workplace, companies have expanded to accommodate larger operations which takes more employees, and so forth. Because of the higher number of people, more problems are going to be present. We're not living in times where everyone gets ...

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