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Briefly describe the current economic conditions for India.

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Briefly describe the current economic conditions for India.

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Bullet list of 11 attributes, eight references and about two pages of commentary.

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To research international markets, it is essential to first assess the demand for the product in a particular region, compare this with demand in other regions. Narrow down and select that region where supply falls short of demand. It is important to understand the economic condition of the country.

I will briefly describe the economic condition of India:
First, India is located in south Asia. It is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. Our business can be profitable here as its GDP is growing more than 8% last quarter (http://www.rbi.org.in/scripts/BS_SpeechesView.aspx?Id=310) This growth proves to be a large opportunity for multinationals. However, the country is comprised of multiple ethnicities therefore; several languages and religious beliefs are recognized. India has democratic political system. It has got independent judicial system. Here free elections take place as it is one of the largest democracies of the world. Right now government is involved in the economy, but there are major reforms going on. Compared to the past the intervention has reduced drastically due to the liberalization policies.
Yes legal system is effective and impartial.

Economic Analysis
India's GDP growth rate:
Year GDP growth ...

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