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Strategies For Creating And Communicating A Shared Vision

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I have attached four files contain discussions about strategies for creating and communicating a shared vision. These discussions were based on learners' evaluation of their organization's use of the strategies for creating and communicating a shared vision. They have also developed three to five specific recommendations to better communicate vision and align people with the values and strategic priorities of the organization.

Please provide comments for these discussions pertain to the following:

When responding to others, seek clarification, address any questions regarding the discussion, share your personal experiences that relate to their experience, and provide feedback on their posts. In addition, consider providing suggestions for how the learner could provide a stronger connection between their recommendations and concepts from the reading.

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The solution discusses strategies for creating and communicating a shared vision.

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In the first document, the thing that jumped out at me is not the vision or the lack of ability to meet the vision in any comprehensible way, but the number of CEO's in such a short time. A vision statement that states they want to be the employer of choice... does not seem to follow their own vision in the most leadership of roles. I think the writer's comment that the company needs to "walk the walk" is absolutely dead on.
The key to making any strategic or company vision work is the ability to transform the vision into an implemented plan of attack. This includes the values statements it presents and posts. A more succinct formatting of those values, in line with the vision statement would be better. The vision and values statements are too ambitious and overwhelming. The company needs to be competitive and place itself to become the leader. It should model safety and high performance while using processes (in this case Lean Six Sigma) to gain those improvements. Above all, it should be customer service conscious. However, the first thing to do is stabilize the company's leadership and goals into working goals. The strategic plan has to be a plan that can be implemented and not just a lot of professional and nice sounding words strung together as though they are a plan. The leadership must become more focused on the company and less on changes and mergers, so they can improve confidence in the company and its goals. The vision and values should be more clear on ethics as well. Why are the CEO's leaving and what is the reason there are retention issues ...

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