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Improving employee productivity

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Consider the company for which you work or have worked in the past. Suppose you wish to increase employee productivity by 20 percent. Identify some key activities that will be required to complete the identified activities. What kinds of management information systems will be useful in conducting these activities?

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This detailed solution addresses how to increase employee productivity through the use of technology. Examples are given to help clarify the points given.

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Hi: I would be happy to help you. I am not sure your background so I will use a supermarket as an example. If you wanted to increase employee productivity 20% you would first need to evaluate your employee's current productivity level.

You could consider the time from when a delivery is signed for, to the time product is put on the shelf. This could be tracked by noting when a truck arrived/departed, and having a computer checking process to scan items from the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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