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Characteristics of a knowledge and value centered manager

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Make a list of the top ten characteristics needed in a knowledge and value centered manager.

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Characteristics of a knowledge and value centered manager are determined.

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Ten characteristics are:

1. An open mind.

2. A feeling of love and sympathy with people generally.

3. The ability to concentrate.

4. Ability to share the limelight.

5. A deep and endless curiosity.

6. A sense of humor.

7. An ability to break now and then and be refreshed by deviation and change in routine.

8. An ability to expose ideas to those around him and to see fresh viewpoints.

9. The ability to put them to good use.

10. An awareness of when to quit and go on to the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BComm, University of Delhi
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Management (Equivalent to MBA), All India Management Association
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