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Am I a Delegator?

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Summarize the three most important items that you learned from What is a Manager's Role in Creating a Positive Work Environment and Dealing with Workplace Toxicity? Also Dealing with Difficult People. Explain why they stood out to you and how you will apply what you have learned into your work as a manager. Be specific and provide examples.

Describe a time when you either had to delegate a task—or had a task delegated to you.
What did you learn from the experience?
What would you have done differently, or had your manager do differently?
Assess your own preferences for delegating or "just doing it yourself" including:
Explain what you think the pros and cons of delegation are.
Offer an assessment of your own delegating skills.
Thinking about your role as a manager, evaluate why delegation is an important skill to develop, including:
What you think makes delegation challenging for managers and why.
The importance of delegation to the success of individuals/teams reporting to a manager.
Develop a specific plan that you can use the next time you delegate a task, including:
Specific steps that you will take to prepare to delegate, what important considerations you will need to make, and how you will stay informed and follow up and ensure that what you have delegated progresses well.
Your ideas for how you will avoid micromanaging once you have delegated.
How you will apply your strengths to overcome challenges and ensure that you appropriately use delegation to accomplish goals and develop your people.

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The Solutions provides a summary on how a person might delegate a task and the concept of delegation in a management contex.

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Summarize the three most important items that you learned from What is a Manager's Role in Creating a Positive Work Environment and Dealing with Workplace Toxicity? Also Dealing with Difficult People. Explain why they stood out to you and how you will apply what you have learned into your work as a manager. Be specific and provide examples.

In reference to the most important facets of leadership responsible for fostering a positive work environment, these include compassion, humility, and respect wherein all employees are shown compassion and respect while leaders' maintain humility despite their role and position within the organization. This helps establish the appropriate message that resonates throughout the organization and provides a template for how the organization will address issues that could cause conflict within the company. It's also imperative to never minimize issues brought forward by employees because this only exacerbates problems within the organization. Instead of minimizing issues, it is recommended that leaders' establish a paradigm that promotes alleviation of issues by fostering a secure and open communication channel between leadership and ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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