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Metabolism During Heart Attack

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During a heart attack, blood flowing to the heart muscle is interrupted by blockage of a coronary artery. How would you expect the metabolism in the heart to change?

A. oxidative phosphorylation would slow down in the mitochondria
B. the rate of production of lactic acid would be stimulated

C. the use of glucose by the muscle tissue would increase

D. the production of water by mitochondria would be inhibited

E. all are expected metabolic changes

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This solution discusses provides the answer to the multiple choice question on heart metabolism during a heart attack and then explains why it is the best answer.

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Effects of a heart attack on heart metabolism

Reducing blood flow to the heart restricts oxygen delivery. This slows oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria rerquiring the cell to resort to fermentation, producing lactic acid to regenerate NAD+ ...

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