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Six Sigma Tools for Testing Statistical Significance in Sleep

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Sam Sleep researcher hypothesizes that people who are allowed to sleep for only four hours will score significantly lower than people who are allowed to sleep for eight hours on a management ability test. He brings sixteen participants into his sleep lab and randomly assigns them to one of two groups. In one group he has participants sleep for eight hours and in the other group he has them sleep for four. The next morning he administers the SMAT (Sam's Management Ability Test) to all participants. (Scores on the SMAT range from 1-9 with high scores representing better performance). Is Sam's hypothesis supported by this data? perform a t-test.

SMAT scores

8 hours sleep group (X)

4 hours sleep group (Y)

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Six sigma tools for testing statistical significance in sleep are examined.

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Sam Sleep researcher hypothesizes that people who are allowed to sleep for only four hours will score significantly lower than people who are allowed to sleep for eight hours on a management ability test. He brings sixteen participants into his sleep lab and randomly assigns them to one of two groups. In one group he has participants sleep for eight hours and in the other group he has them sleep for four. The next morning he administers the SMAT (Sam's Management Ability Test) to all participants. (Scores on the SMAT range from 1-9 with high scores representing better performance). Is Sam's hypothesis supported by this data? perform a t-test. ...

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