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The "abaya" and repressive Saudi culture.

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A first-hand account of the repressive culture of Saudi Arabia. The social contact theory is apllied to western expereinces and influences within the strictest of the Muslim states.

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Having lived in Saudi Arabia for three years, I believe my "firsthand" account would be valuable to your answer. You can quote me using the OTA ID#, and I will refer to the "Social Contact" hypothesis where it is applicable.

Question: Using the contact hypothesis, describe the potential outcomes of the tourist-host contact indicated above. Be sure to discuss the outcomes in terms of tourist-host attitudes, interactions, perceptions, values, and communication.

Saudi Arabia is a Muslim state, ruled by a monarchy strictly adherent to Shariah Law of the Sunni sect. Though there is a Tourism Board, no tourist visa exists. This says volumes about the inherent ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Alfred University
  • NYS teacher certification, City University of New York-Lehman College
  • MA, Ed., University of Phoenix Online
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