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Power Elite or Pluralist View?

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I am trying to understand the debate in sociology revolving around whether the power elite or pluralist view is correct. I need some convincing information taking a stance on either side or comparing/contrasting the two to decide.

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The solution provides guidance and information on the debate between the power elite and the pluralist view of power relations and power distribution in society to help students in taking a position in the debate.

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I will give you the information and you can decide which to choose.

The power elite is a small group who control the power, the wealth and the laws of a country. The group retains its power because of the power they hold and the wealth they amass. The elite control issues and are slow to change. Therefore the society they manage is also slow to change. Take the case of civil rights and the fact laws were changed in the mid 1960s and yet it was at least another decade, if it has changed much at all, before the rights of people who were non white changed. We still have historic moments with women, Hispanics, ...

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