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Good leader or bad leader: what makes the difference?

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Dynamics of social interaction are present in all organizations. Within any given organization there are individuals who do the bare minimum to get by. There are those who would rather complain that do any productive work whatsoever. Every organization also has overachievers as well as those who are completely devoted to the organization. These people stand in contrast to those who are just using the company as a stepping stone to a better opportunity in the future. Every organization has people are fine with the way things are as well as those who want to change everything.

The best leaders seek the find the balance between cajoling, pushing, forcing and suggesting. He/she needs to know how to speak quietly with individuals as well as forcefully with a whole group. He/she needs to be a good listener and not just a commander.

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This discussion centers on leadership. What makes the difference between a good or bad leader? What dynamics of organizations must leaders understand before being able to provide good leadership? Is there a difference between a leader and manager? Over 1,000 words of original text

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Dynamics of social interaction are present in all organizations. Within any given organization there are individuals who do the bare minimum to get by. There are those who would rather complain that do any productive work whatsoever. Every organization also has overachievers as well as those who are completely devoted to the organization. These people stand in contrast to those who are just using the company as a stepping stone to a better opportunity in the future. Every organization has people are fine with the way things are as well as those who want to change everything.

The best leaders seek the find the balance between cajoling, pushing, forcing and suggesting. He/she needs to know how to speak quietly with individuals as well as forcefully with a whole group. He/she needs to be a good listener and not just a commander.

A leader is a person who has a vision for where he/she wants to go, who can communicate that vision with others in such a way that they make the choice of adopting that vision as their own and can lead the people to witness the culmination of that vision. A leaders strengths are the abilities of producing a shared vision and invoking enthusiasm in the followers. A manager on the other hand is someone who administers the available resources, in order to achieve the most desirable outcome. ...

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