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I need assistance on leadership and management. Please briefly explain the following questions for me (in one or more paragraphs per question )

1. What makes a good leader versus a good manager. Is there really a difference? If so, what is it?

2. What should the role of the leader be in strategic planning and implementation?

a. And which is more important for a leader to attend to - assessing factors that are internal to the organization or those that are external to it?
(Be sure to explain the reasons for your views on this. What do you base your answers on?)

3. What role should leadership play in determining organizational structure? Why? What have you seen that's effective? Not effective? What made it effective or not?

4. Can you briefly share a quick story from your own experience about the connections between leadership, organizational culture, and human resources. How were they related?

5. What is leadership's role in knowledge management and how does that relate to organizational strategy? Ideally, what do you think a leader's goals should be regarding knowledge management systems?

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What makes a good leader versus a good manager. Is there really a difference? If so, what is it?

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1. What makes a good leader versus a good manager? Is there really a difference? If so, what is it?

A good leader is much more than a manager to the subordinates. He is a mentor, guide and someone that each subordinate look up to for guidance, direction and assistance. A good manager also performs the same set of duties and there isn't much difference between the two, however, a good leader can distinguished on the basis of the fact that he is someone who not only manages his subordinates well and leads them effectively towards the attainment of organizational goals and objectives like a good manager, but also establishes examples and develops strong respect and following among his subordinates with his charisma and ability to lead and mentor subordinates.

2. What should the role of the leader be in strategic planning and implementation?

Leader plays a very important role in ensuring the strategic planning initiatives is communicated effectively to the subordinates and effectively leads the implementation process by motivating employees and guiding them in the right direction towards the achievement of strategic objectives. A leader ensures successful implementation of strategic plan by ...

Solution provided by:
  • BCom, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi
  • MBA, Rochester Institute of Technology
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