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Terrorism, The Military & the Radical Views of the West

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Current research indicates that even if the United States were to withdraw all its military forces from Iraq and the surrounding Muslim countries, radical terrorists would continue with their war against this country. One of the main reasons for this, from their point of view, is because of U. S. tourists and tourism. Why do you think this might be the case?

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Solution Summary

Current research indicates that even if the United States were to withdraw all its military forces from Iraq and the surrounding Muslim countries, radical terrorists would continue with their war against this country. This solution explains why this might be true, which is also supplemented with an article explaining reasons for the hatred of America by radical terrorists.

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1. Current research indicates that even if the United States were to withdraw all its military forces from Iraq and the surrounding Muslim countries, radical terrorists would continue with their war against this country. One of the main reasons for this, from their point of view, is because of U. S. tourists and tourism. Why do you think this might be the case?

This is true. Even if the United States were to withdraw all its military forces from Iraq and the surrounding Muslim countries, radical terrorists would continue with their war against ...

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