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Understanding an Urban Reality

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1. Please watch the youtube videos about urban youth on Germantown Avenue in Germantown, PA. Based on these two movies, the lecture information and your readings in your books what conclusions can you formulate?
2. Suggested length is a response approximately equivalent to 150-300 words.
3. You should do the reading assignment for the week before you answer your discussion question, and you are encouraged to refer to outside articles in your response, if appropriate.


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This solution will provide the student with a brief sociological understanding of a specific documentary completed by university students on Germantown, PA, USA.

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1. Please watch the YouTube videos about urban youth on Germantown Avenue in Germantown, PA.
2. Based on these two movies, the lecture information and your readings in your books what conclusions can you formulate?
3. Suggested length is a response approximately equivalent to 150-300 words.

Modernity reveals the stories of a subject's end, such as 'urban youth,' and where a "new individualism" begins. Similarly, it reveals the point where one society has completely broken down and "civil society" has re-emerged.

In essence, modernity classifies social transformation and this transformation involves the concepts of "liberty," "plurality," and "individual autonomy."

The interesting thing about these videos is that they didn't focus on "youth" although it was mentioned once or twice. Urban youth, in a ...

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