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The Tao of Poo and The Te of Piglet

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In the English version of "The Tao of Poo" and "The Te of Piglet," what does this quote mean: "The best man is like water. Water is good; it benefits all things and does not compete with them. It dwells in places that all disdain...the best man in his dwelling loves the earth..."

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The Tao of Poo and The Te of Piglets are examined.

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This is a direct interpretation of the Dao: to be a man who does not compete with other men, a man who goes with the flow of nature, and to be close to the earth. Water can fill things, water can flow. A man with his wits about him can even go to places that others could not, without judgement.

Here is an interpretation from verse 8, where these lines originate:

Verse Eight of the Tao Te Ching returns to the world of human beings. While all of the verses of the Tao are teach­ings, some are more direct than oth­ers. Verse Eight is one such direct teaching.

We have already seen how the Tao Te Ching uses the image of the Sage as one of sev­eral mod­els. We can learn how to become the Tao itself when our own behav­ior and mind are mod­eled after that of the Sage. In Verse Eight, the model is that of water.

The first stanza describes why water mir­rors the actions of the Dao itself. (Addiss ...

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