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Children with mentally ill parents?

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Can someone write something about children with mentally ill parents, and how one should react to this and not least how to help the child?

I need about 1,5/2 pages of information about this subject. Thanks.

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Discusses children with mentally ill parents, and how one should react to this and not least how to help the child. References and supplementary artcile on the topic are also provided.

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Let's take a closer look at his important topic. I also attached an article to consider, as well as some extra information at the end of this response.


1. Can someone write something about children with mentally ill parents, and how one should react to this and not least how to help the child?

Many organizations work with parents who have mental illness, but often forget about the children of these parents. Statistics show that there are profound long lasting effects on the mental health of the children, who have a higher risk for developing mental illnesses than other children. Children with both parents mentally ill are at an even higher risk of becoming mentally ill, especially "when a parent has one or more of the following: Bipolar Disorder, an anxiety disorder, ADHD, schizophrenia, alcoholism or other drug abuse, or depression. Risk can be inherited from parents, through the genes." (http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/children_of_parents_with_mental_illness)

In addition to genetic predisposition to developing mental illness in children with parents with mental illness, there are also contributing environmental factors. For example, parents with mental illness create an environment that does promote mental health, which is often inconsistent and unpredictable which is a contributing factor to psychiatric illness in children. Marital problems around the mental illness is another risk factor for children to become mentally ill because the couple's parenting abilities are affected that in turn can harm the child. (http://www.aacap.org/cs/root/facts_for_families/children_of_parents_with_mental_illness)
Smaller children are especially vulnerable as they depend of their parents for survival, so they need help to increase their survival rate, as mortality rates are also higher for children of parents with mental illness (see attached article).

2. ...and how one should react ...

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