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Three psychological disorders related to stress

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Name and describe at least three psychological disorders that can be a reaction to stress and provide examples of each.
Why do you think they are reactions to stress?

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This solution provides a description of three psychological disorders that can be a reaction to stress. Examples of the disorders are also included.

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Three psychological disorders that can be a reation to stress:
Bipolar Disorder : a psychological disorder characterized by extreme mood swings. Individuals with bipolar disorder are severely "up" sometimes and severely "down" at other times and in between most of the time.
Examples of bipolar disorder:
hypomania : a mild form of mania.
cyclothymia: a less severe form of the disorder.
mixed bipolar: where episodes of mania and depression occur at the same time.
Bipolar disorder may be a reation to stressful situations because it inovlves a chemical imbalance in the brain that can be latent until it is stimulated by stressful and traumatic situations such as various forms of abuse: ...

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