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Difference between Judge and Coach

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1. Do you agree that the roles of judge and coach are incompatible? Why or why not?

2. Can effective coaching take place without judgment? As a demonstration (maybe to yourself or others) try to provide performance feedback without first making some assessment, even if it is informal. Coaching for improvement requires some knowledge of where you are and a direction of where to go. Can you imagine a situation in which effective feedback can be provided without there being some assessment on some standard?

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Difference between Judge and Coach ; coaching vs. judgement

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1. Do you agree that the roles of judge and coach are incompatible? Why or why not?

The role of a judge and that of a coach are not incompatible. A judge can be a coach as well, or vice verse. It is so, because both involve teaching, mentoring and training in one way or another. For instance, a judge can be of a musical performance, so can there be a coach. The job of the coach is to train for the performance and its best rendition, where as the role of the judge is to comment on that performance and do the best to accurately rate the excellence of a performer's presentation. In that sense then, given the situation in which the performer is, her/ his judge and coach can be the same person. A coach never discourages a performer on the tasks performed for a competition. In fact, the only feedback a coach ideally gives is positive feedback. And that helps the performer becomes better able to handle the difficult and more advance expectations for her/ his performance from the judge. However, given the coaching method of some coaches, they can be also be more in favor of a tough, rigorous training and that involves more direct and less softer treatment of the ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, Rutgers, NJ
  • MA, NYU
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