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Bio-Psychological Approaches

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1. What are the core assumptions of the bio psychological approach?
2. What historical disciplines converge to create biological psychology?
3. What are some of the earliest examples of a biological approach to studying behavior?
4. What are some examples of modern careers that have resulted from studying biological psychology? Include an overview of the careers.
5. How is biological psychology viewed by other professionals in psychology today?

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses the core assumptions of the biopsychological approach, history of the disciplines, examples of the biological approach to studying behavior, careers in biopsychology, and how it is viewed in psychology today. Examples and references are used for better understanding.

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1. What are the core assumptions of the bio psychological approach?

Biological psychology also referred to as Biopsychology is centered on the core assumptions that human behavior results from a person's internal chemical, physical, and biological processes. It assumes that all actions and emotions by a person are a direct result of their unique biological and physiological makeup. Biopsychology assumes the brain and nervous system in each person drives their behavior patterns (Wickens, p.1-2.).

2. What historical disciplines converge to create biological psychology?

Biological psychology is a convergence of psychology, neuroscience, biology, and human physiology. By converging all of these disciplines together, biological psychologists are able to better interpret and analyze a person's actions and ...

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