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Assumption in Physiological Psychology and the Brain-Behavior Link

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1. What are the major underlying assumptions of physiological psychology? What effect do these assumptions have on psychology?

2. What are some techniques or research methods used to examine the link between the brain and behavior? What are some findings in biological psychology that can result or have resulted from these techniques or research methods?

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The solution first outline underlying assumptions of physiological psychology which are important to understanding why and how, as explained next in this response, scientists believe there is a link between the brain and human behavior. 696 words total with one reference.

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1. What are the major underlying assumptions of physiological psychology? What effect do these assumptions have on psychology?

Physiological psychology works to understand the physiology of behavior (Carlson, 2010). Physiological psychology is also called biological psychology, psychobiology, biopsychology, and behavioral neuroscience. According to Carlson (2010), "the task of the physiological psychologist is to explain behavior by studying the physiological processes that control it" (p. 10). Physiological psychologists accomplish this by making generalizations and reduction to explain behavior. The assumptions of physiological psychology impact the way researchers conduct research and expand the basis of diagnosis to include neurological based diagnosis. Today, psychologists often use both experimental methods and physiology to address issues and concerns faced by psychologists across a variety of fields. Experimental subjects include not only humans, but also rats, monkeys, mice, and other animals (Carlson, 2010).

One major assumption is that the human brain has some aspect of control over behavior. This can be seen in our level of consciousness. When changes ...

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