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Paradoxical (Strategic) Intervention

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Please give an example of a situation in which you might use a paradoxical (strategic) intervention, and how you would proceed with the intervention. Feel free to imagine a situation you might hypothetically work with. Finally, please comment on what effect you think this intervention might have. Is your intervention "win-win" (meaning that something useful to the therapy could emerge, whether they followed your paradoxical prescription or opposed it) or could it backfire? Please include a valid reference article. Thanks.

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Solution Summary

This solution gives examples of paradoxical intervention with references. The explanation is given in 282 words.

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An example of a therapist using paradoxical intervention would be to tell the client who expresses anger inappropriately, that it is alright to freely express the anger whenever they feel the need. The object is to give permission for the outbursts so that the client will have a less desire to act out in that manner if they feel it is okay to do so. This allows the client to make their own choices and ...

Solution provided by:
  • MS,
  • MA Education (Family and Community Services), Ashford University
  • B.A., Ashford University
  • A.S., Oklahoma State University
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