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The Presidency and Lawmaking

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Given what you now know about how Congress works and how a bill is passed, what do you think the likelihood of success will be for President Obama to implement his agenda? In retrospect, can you identify past presidents and how well they were in implementing their agenda? Please stay out of the politics and use the PROCESS of implementation as the foundation of your answer.

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The solution provides a brief discussion of the likelihood of success that Pres. Obama could have in implementing his agenda through Congress.

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The success rate for Obama, like Clinton and Reagan depends on his ability to "walk the bill" through the process. He understands the way bills are created, introduced, worked in committees and who and how they are brought to the floor for votes. It is for this reason that former Senators and Representatives make good presidents. However, like Clinton and Reagan, he must be able to understand the power, the negotiation, and the ...

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