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Chemistry and Nuclear Reactions

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Relate the Three Mile Island incident that happen in Pa, USA to the chemistry of the environment.

Question 1: How did chemistry play a role in the incident at Three Mile Island?

Question 2: How does chemistry play a role in a possible solution to the problem at the Three Mile Island incident?

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The application of chemistry to the three-mile island accident is discussed.

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You can find a good description of the incident at http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/fact-sheets/3mile-isle.html

This incident took place at a nuclear plant facility. So the chemistry that you need to focus on is nuclear chemistry for the most part. Below are some aspects that you can elaborate more on.

1. The role of water in cooling parts of nuclear plants. Heat is generated in these facilities that is absorbed by water which then turns into steam which further drives a steam turbine. If water is not supplied to absorb the heat, then pressure can build up inside the reactor. You can talk about why water is used to cool. Include details about the specific heat capacity of water as compared to other liquids. Also comment on the readily ...

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