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Six General Theoritical Questions From Different Chapters.

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The answers to this question do not need to be very extensive. A paragraph is more then enough.

1. The first part of the argument questions "Why don't we see things left behind by the Earth as it spins and travels around the sun?" For example, why does a ball dropped from the top of a high tower fall to the base of the tower instead of being left behind by the spinning Earth to finally hit the ground some place far away?

2. The second part of the argument asks "Why don't things get thrown off by the spinning Earth in the way we see other things thrown from spinning objects, such as water flying from a car tire after it rolls through a puddle?"

3. When you look at your reflection in the inside, concave side of a spoon, your image appears upside down. Why? Discuss how your distance from the spoon and the degree of curvature of the spoon affects your image.

4. Discuss the relationship between electricity and magnetism

5. Identify a device that uses the relationship between electricity and magnetism

6. Explain how the device you identified uses electricity and magnetism
Discuss how improvements in electrical conduction and/or advancements in magnets might affect the device you identified

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Solution Summary

Six conceptual question from various fields are explained and answered.

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