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Operations Research - Total Minimum Editing Time Problem

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A manufacturing company has five jobs that must be completed as soon as possible. Six machines are available for doing the work, however the processing times for the various jobs varies depending on the machine doing the processing. The company wants to use an assignment method to determine which machine processes each job. Estimates of editing times (in hours) for each job by each machine is:

Job A B C D E F

1 9 14 11 13 17 20
2 11 14 10 11 10 9
3 7 9 9 8 10 6
4 11 10 12 14 15 13
5 15 18 21 17 23 20
6 12 17 15 16 19 14

A) Formulate the problem as an assignment model, show all decision variables and constraints.
B) What is the total minimum editing time? What editors will be assigned to each manuscript?

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The expert examines operations research for the total minimum editing time problems.

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