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System of Equations: Solve using Inverse of Coefficient Matrix

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Solve the following system of equations by computing the inverse of the coefficient matrix.
-x+2y =4
2x-y+2z = -2
2y-z = 4

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A system of equations is solved by computing the inverse of the coefficient matrix.

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Three equations can be re written as:
-x + 2y + 0.z = 4 ....(1)
2x - y + 2z = -2 ....(2)
0.x + 2y - z = 4 ....(3)
The equation can be written in the form of three matrices A, X, and B as:
AX = B
Matrix A:
a11 = -1, a12 = 2, a13 = 0
a21 = 2, a22 = -1, a23 = 2
a31 = 0, a32 = 2, a33 = ...

Solution provided by:
  • BEng, Allahabad University, India
  • MSc , Pune University, India
  • PhD (IP), Pune University, India
Recent Feedback
  • " In question 2, you incorrectly add in the $3.00 dividend that was just paid to determine the value of the stock price using the dividend discount model. In question 4 response, it should have also been recognized that dividend discount models are not useful if any of the parameters used in the model are inaccurate. "
  • "feedback: fail to recognize the operating cash flow will not begin until the end of year 3."
  • "Answer was correct"
  • "Great thanks"
  • "Perfect solution..thank you"
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