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expected market share

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Please help with the following problem. Provide step by step calculations.

Consumers in a certain state can shoose between three long distance telephone services: GTT, NCJ and Dash. Aggressive marketing by all three companies results in continual shift of customers among the three services. Each year, GTT loses 30% of its customers to NCJ and 10% to Dash, NCJ loses 15% of its customers to GTT and 10% to NCJ. Assuming that these percentages remain valid over a long period of time, what is each company's expected market share in the long run?

GTT's expected market share is?

NCJ's expected market share is?

Dash's expected market share is?

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This posting offers help with calculating expected market share used by consumers in a certain state. It calculates GTT's expected market share, NCJ's expected market share and Dash's expected market share. Step by step calculations are given in the solution.

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Problem: Consumers in a certain state can shoose between three long distance telephone services: GTT, NCJ and Dash. Aggressive marketing by all three companies results in continual shift of ...

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