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FInd the area and avearge value by integration

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1. Determine the value of f(x)=-5x^3+7x on [-1,2].

2. Determine the area of region bound by f(x)=-2x^2+x+6 and the x-axis on [0,3].

3. Determine the area of the region bounded by f(x)=x^2 - 4 and g(x)=x+2

4. Determine the area of the region bounded by f(x)=x+6 and g(x)=-x^2+2 on the interval on [-2, 2].

keywords: integration, integrates, integrals, integrating, double, triple, multiple

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It shows how to find the area and avearge value by integration. The solution is detailed and has a '5/5' rating.

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1. Determine the value of f(x)=-5x^3+7x on [-1,2].

2. Determine the area of region bound by f(x)=-2x^2+x+6 and the x-axis on ...

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