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Fraction and percentage problem

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Let's look at some numbers you encounter in your everyday life and use them to do some calculations.

1. Count how many contacts you have in your cell phone. Write down this number.

2. For one week, keep track of the number of these people who called you.

3. Use these two numbers to calculate

a) The FRACTION of contacts who call you in a week.
b) Change this fraction into a DECIMAL.
c) Calculate the PERCENTAGE of contacts who call you in a week.

4. Let's say the following week you added 2 more people to your cell phone. Neither of these people called you in that week. Would the fraction of contacts who call you increase or decrease?

5. Prove your answer in 4 by adding 2 to the number you recorded in 1 and recalculating according to instructions in 3.

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The solution provides detailed explanation how to solve fraction and percentage problem.

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1. Count how many contacts you have in your cell phone. Write down this number.

2. For one week, keep track of the number of these people who called you.

3. Use these two numbers to calculate
a) ...

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