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Mathematics - Finite Mathematics

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Sweet Delight Candies, Inc., sells boxes of candy consisting of creams and caramels. Each box sells for $4 and holds 50 pieces of candy (all pieces are the same size). If the caramels cost $0.05 to produce and the creams cost $0.10 to produce, how many caramels and creams should be in each box for no profit and no loss? Would you increase or decrease the number of caramels in order to obtain a profit.

20 cramels @ 0.05 = $1.00
30 creams @ 0.10 = $3.00 1+ 3 = $4.00 my start

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The expert examines the finite mathematics for carmels and creams. A complete, Neat and Step-by-step Solution is provided.

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Let there be x caramels and y creams in each box.

x + y = 50

y = 50 - x

Cost of one ...

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