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# 22 Find the least common multiple(LCM) for each group of numbers:
12,20,and 35

#36 1/3 + 5/8 + 4/5

#44 13/15 - 11/20

Kitchen sub flooring

Benjamin and Olivia are putting a new floor in their kitchen. To get the floor up to the desired height, they need to add 1 ft 1/8 of subfloor. They can do this in one of two ways. They can put 1/2-in. sheet on top of 5/8-in. board (note that the total would be 9/8 ft or 1 1/8 ft).

They could also put 3/8-in. board on top of 3/4-in. sheet.
The table below gives the price for each sheet of plywood from a Home Depot store on 1/15/04.

1/8 in. $9.15
1/4 in. 13.05
3/8 in. 14.99
1/2 in. 17.88
5/8 in. 19.13
3/4 in. 21.36
7/8 in. 25.23
1 in. 28.49

1). What is the combined price for a 1/2-in. sheet and a 5/8-in. sheet?

2). What is the combined price for a 3/8-in. sheet and a 3/4-in. sheet?

3). What other combination of sheets of plywood yields the needed 1 1/8 -in. thickness?

4). Of the four combinations, which is most economical?

5). The kitchen is to be 12 ft x 12 ft. Find the total cost of the plywood you have suggested in question 4.

# 26 proform the indicated operations:
1 - 1/15 + 3 3/10 - 2 4/5

#30 Robin ran 5 1/3 mile on Sunday 2 1/4 mile on Tuesday and 3 1/2 mile on Fri. How far did she run during the week?

#48 Business & Finance
The interest rate on an auto loan in May was 123/8%. By Sept the rates was up to 14 1/2%. How many percentage points did the interest rate increase over the period.

#18 Find the dual of each denomination number.
4 5/6 + 3 1/5 + 8 1/7 + 11 8/9

#24 17 11/12 divided by 6 1/10

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The solution works with basic algebra problems involving fractions.

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