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Mathematics - Algebra - Word Problem

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You are a high school math teacher and are introducing matrices to the classroom next week. It is very important to you to make a connection between the real world and this topic, so you decide to research in which applications matrices are used. To your surprise, you find several very useful applications, such as decoding and encoding messages, and decide to discuss two that you feel are important to the class. In the first paragraph, describe the two applications you chose (do not use decoding and encoding) and how they relate to matrices. Then in another paragraph, describe how you would present your lesson to the class.

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The expert describes how you would present your lesson to the class. A complete, neat and step-by-step solution is provided in the attached file.

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You are a high school math teacher and are introducing matrices to the classroom next week. It is very important to you to make a connection between the real world and this topic, so you decide to research in which applications matrices are used. To your surprise, you find several very useful applications, such as decoding and encoding messages, and decide to discuss two that you feel are important to the class. In the first paragraph, describe the two applications you chose (do not use decoding and encoding) and how they relate to matrices. Then in another paragraph, describe how you would present your lesson to the class.

This class can begin by discussing the following issue of concern to a hardware company:
A ...

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