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Mathematics - Algebra

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Please do questions 3 and 7.

1) Solve algebraically. Trial and error is not an appropriate method of solution. You must show all your work.

Learn how to type math roots and fractions by clicking on the link in the assignment list. Alternately, you may type as cuberoot(x) and show raising to the nth power as ^n, like x 3 is typed x^3.



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2) Solve algebraically and check your potential solutions:


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3) The volume of a cube is given by V = s3, where s is the length of a side. Find the length of a side of a cube if the volume is 800 cm3. Round the answer to three decimal places.


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4) a) Show the steps that you would take to solve the following algebraically:

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b) What potential solution did you obtain? Explain why this is not a solution.


5) For the following function, C computes a value, where if you add millions of dollars to the value, the result is the cost of implementing a city recycling project when x , as a percent (not its decimal equivalent), citizens participate.

a) Using this model, determine the cost if 60% of the citizens participate?


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b) Using this model, find the percentage of participation that can be expected if $5 million is spent on this recycling project? Set up an equation and solve algebraically. Round to the nearest whole percent.


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6) a) If , fill in the following table for x = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. Round to three decimal places where necessary.

x y

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b) Explain why no negative values are chosen as values to substitute in for x.


c) Graph in MS Excel and paste your graph here.


7) Suppose that N= models the number of cases of an infection, in millions, of a disease x years from now.

a) How many cases of the infection will there be 16 years from now?


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b) In how many years will there be 7 million cases?


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(Please see the attached file)

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