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Basic Algebra

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Place each of the following sets in ascending order.

Note: These are absolute sign problems!


Add and subtract using the proper rules.

Evaluate each of the following absolute value expression.

Label each of the following statements as true or false.

72. Business and finance. Jean deposited a check for $625, wrote two for $68.74 and $29.95 and used her debit card to pay for a purchase of $57.65. How has her account balance changed?



Watch those signs!

54. Statistics. The lowest temperature ever recorded in the state of Oregon was --54°F (in Seneca, on February 10, 1933). The state's record high temperature occurred in Pendleton on August 10, 1898, when it reached 119°F. What is the historical temperature range in the state of Oregon? Look at your thermometer and put the numbers on that scale.


Perform the indicated operations.

Remember the order of operations.

Section 9.5

Perform the indicated operations.

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Basic algebra problems are solved. The solution is detailed and well presented. The response received a rating of "5/5" from the student who originally posted the question.

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