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Economic Order Quantity

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Tanaka Suzuki inventory control manager for Itex receives wheel bearings from wheel right a small producer of metal parts. Unfortunatley wheel right can only produce 500 wheel bearings per day Itex recieves 10000 wheel bearings from wheel-right per year. Since Itex operates 200 working days each year its average daily demand for wheel bearings is 50. the ordering cost for Itex is $40 per order and the carring cost is 60 cents per wheel bearing per year.

How many wheel bearings should Itex order from Wheel-right at one time?

Wheel-right has agreed to ship the maximum number of wheel bearings that it produces each day to Itex when an order has been received.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides a step-by-step solution that determines how many wheel bearings Itex should order from Wheel-right at one time.

Solution provided by:
  • BE, Bangalore University, India
  • MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison
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