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Law Enforcement Management

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As the United States invests more resources into security and protection, all levels of law enforcement are affected. After each national crisis, regardless of whether it is natural or man-made, numerous researchers point to the mental health of all of those individuals involved. Police officers, by the very nature of their jobs, are some of the first to respond to disasters. It is no surprise that emergency responders become a major focus in the mental health field after such events.

Based on your reading in the text and credible research from the Internet, respond to the following:

How can you ensure that information about available mental health resources and psychological assistance is provided to first responders? Explain in detail.

What types of communications and information management systems can you utilize to ensure that psychological assistance is provided for first responders? Explain in detail.

Be very specific in your application plan, and support your response with scholarly and academic resources.

How would you implement a performance management system? Explain in detail.

You will need to ensure that communications channels are two-way.
Be specific, and fully justify your response.

As a manager, how will you allow complaints to be communicated? Explain.
How will you store and organize that information so that complaints are addressed appropriately? Explain.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

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Law enforcement management is examined in the United States.

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How to ensure that information about available mental health resources and psychological assistance is provided to first responders? Explain in detail.

Information can be made available to first responders by ensuring that first responders are first screened after a disaster occurs as well as during and before the disaster. This will provide the first responder with knowledge of their propensity to suffer from a mental health issue during a disaster response, which will likely enable the first responder to receive timely diagnosis and treatment. One example of this is the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA). This Act is used by states that have adopted it to permit a state's public health authority agency to sanction first responders or as well as victims to undergo examinations, which will be used to diagnose and treat individuals during declared emergencies. Therefore, first responders are made aware through mental health screening programs of mental health resources and psychological assistance once an emergency occurs.

What types of communications and information management systems to ensure that psychological assistance is ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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