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Elements of conflict in the American legal and justice systems

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What elements of conflict are present in the American legal and justice systems? Respond to this question in terms of how and why critical criminologists view crime as a political concept designed to protect the power and position of the upper classes at the expense of the poor. Give examples. Please cite your source.

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The solution discusses the elements of conflicts in the American legal and justice systems.

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1. What elements of conflict are present in the American legal and justice systems? Respond to this question in terms of how and why critical criminologists view crime as a political concept designed to protect the power and position of the upper classes at the expense of the poor. Give examples. Please cite your source.

Social Conflict Theory posits that the criminal justice system is a microcosm of the power dichotomy that exists throughout society wherein the few powerful and rich, exert control over the majority of poor and impoverished. Under this paradigm, the criminal justice system is used as a tool for the rich and as a means to control the poor through the use of incarceration, arrests, and laws that are created by the rich to protect them and their interests. This is the correct theory to explain the criminal justice system as legislatures make laws that are created by a majority of individuals in the legislative branch who are certified millionaires with those in the Senate known as the millionaire's club. This has been the norm since its inception and is still the case in the 21st century as to win a seat in the senate requires millions of dollars in campaign funds to even attempt to run for office. Therefore, those who create the laws that are enforced by the criminal justice system are a part of the 1% of people with the ...

Solution provided by:
  • Associates of Arts , Lone Star Community College
  • Bachelor of Science , Sam Houston State University
  • Masters of Science, Kaplan University
  • Masters of Science , Kaplan University
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