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1. List three areas of employment that the Fair Labor Standards Act covers.

2. What is sexual harassment? What are two kinds of sexual harassment? Give an example of each.

3. List two changes made by the 1991 Civil Rights Act.

4. What is an exempt employee exempt from? List the three categories of exemptions.

5. What is the ADA? What are its basic provisions? Who is covered?

6. What employers and employees are covered under the FMLA? What does the Act provide for?

7. What is Title VII? What are the elements of Title VII? Does Title VII protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation?

8. What is the EEOC's role in a discrimination complaint? What timeframes are applicable? What must happen before the plaintiff can file suit for discrimination?

9. What is the difference between disparate treatment and disparate impact?

10. What is validity in employee testing? Why is it important? List two types of employee tests

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These are all great questions. As you know, as a Brainmass OTA, I cannot do all of your work for you, but I did some careful research for you and got you started with each question. Below you will find some help with your questions and links for further information.

1) For this question, go straight to the source: http://www.dol.gov/opa/aboutdol/lawsprog.htm
You will find the answer you need right here under the section "Wages and Hours."
2) Sexual harassment is unwanted, unwelcome attention directed toward a person's sexuality or sexual identity. It interferes with her or his his opportunity for education or employment. Sometimes no sexual harassment is intended, but it is the impact of the behavior that is most important.The first type is called Quid Pro Quo Harassment. This means "trading this for that." It occurs when a person in a position of power pressures another person to meet his or her sexual demands. When a professor ...

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