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Different Types of Teaching Assessments

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I need to write an explanation of the assessment practices that I will use in my lesson. Address the following in my response:

- Describe the assessment(s) you selected for your lesson. Then provide a rationale for using the assessment method(s) you selected.
- What student data from these assessments, as well as other sources, would be useful to inform your instructional decisions and support your students prior to beginning the lesson (e.g., readiness levels, interests, information related to family/community, learning preferences, student work, high-stakes test data, district assessments etc.)? What other key resources (i.e., resource specialists, family members, etc.) could you use to support student learning and progress toward learning goals?
- Explain how you would use diagnostic assessment in your lesson. For example, what important misconceptions might you identify prior to teaching the lesson?
- Describe how you will use ongoing formative assessment to monitor student progress toward the learning goals of your lesson and to inform future instruction. Remember that formative data should be collected continually to determine students' progress in meeting the learning objectives and standards. Formative assessments also allow you to gauge if reteaching or using different types of activities are necessary to ensure all students are learning and achieving.
- Explain at least one summative assessment you will use to ensure students have achieved the learning goals of your lesson.

Grade Level: 9-12
Subject Area: Spanish I
Topic: Describing people and Places
Learning Objectives:
- Students will learn how to ask or describe who someone is (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge-Level 1: Describe a person).
- Ask or describe what something is (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge-Level 1: Describe a person).
- Ask or identify where someone is from (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge-Level 1: Identify people).
- Analyze or evaluate what someone is like (Bloom's Taxonomy: Evaluation-Level 4: Self Evaluation).
- Describe themselves (Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge-Level 1: Describe people).
- Give examples of famous Spanish novels and some Latin America heroes. (Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension-Level 2: Give example of story, speech, photograph, recording, etc.) (Charlotte, 2014).

Learning Objectives: Objectives are based on the students' readiness and cognitive performance levels.
Learning Outcome:
- n this lesson, students will learn to describe themselves as well as a friend, using the singular form of the verb SER. Also, students will learn to describe place.

ISTE Standard:
- Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of median and formats (Education, 2014).

Power Standards:
- Students will communicate by speaking and writing in Spanish to: Identify and describe themselves and others.
- Ascertain where people are from and state their nationality. Students will engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, and exchange opinions as they fulfill the lesson objectives listed.
They will learn how to describe themselves or someone else in a target language.
For example, they will learn a vocabulary like: alto(tall) for boy with picture
alta( tall) for girl
El muchacho( boy)
La muchacha( girl)
Rubio( blond) for boy
Rubia( blond) for girl
Serio( serious) for boy
Seria (serious) for girls

La muchacha es bonita - the girl is pretty
El es gracioso- he is funny
La alumna es alta- the students is tall
Yo soy bajo- I'm short

El colegio = high school
El muchacho / El chico = boy
El alumno = student
El amigo = friend
La escuela = school
La muchacha / La chica = girl
La alumna = student
La amiga = friend
Yo = I
Tú = You (informal)
Él = He
Ella = She
Usted = You (formal)
(Yo) soy = I am
(Tú) eres = You are
Él es = He is
Ella es = She is
Usted es = You are
Nosotros somos= we are
Ellos son= they are( group of boys)
Ellas son = they are ( group of girls)
*Descriptive adjectives always follow the nouns they describe in Spanish.
Noun + adjective
Alfonso is a fun(ny) boy.
Alfonso es un chico divertido
Amalia is a blonde girl.
Amalia es una chica rubia
~ Adjectives agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify!
If the article is a singular and feminine, the noun and adjective most be feminine and singular.
mexicano(a) = Mexican
norteamericano(a) = American
colombiano(a) = Colombian
alto (a) = tall
bajo(a) = short
rubio(a) = blonde
moreno(a) = dark-haired
guapo(a) = handsome
feo(a) = ugly
bonito(a) = pretty
delgado(a) = thin
gordo(a) = fat
simpático(a) = nice
serio(a) = serious
honesto(a) = honest
atractivo(a) = attractive
tímido(a) = shy
bueno(a) = good
malo(a) = bad
sincero(a) = sincere
el chico alto = the tall boy
la chica baja = the short girl
los chicos rubios = the blonde boys
las chicas morenas = the dark-haired girls

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Solution Summary

This solution discusses the different types of assessments in teaching and how and when you use them. This response uses the example of Spanish 1 lesson.

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A diagnostics assessment would be to find out what the students already know so that they are able to do what you ask they to do. For example, do they know all the vocabulary that you listed so that they can truly describe someone? What's an adjective? How do we describe ourselves with adjectives in English? Also do they know the different conjugations of SER? Do they know all the pronouns? Do they know about adjective agreement? Depending on your instructor, you may need to provide examples of your diagnostics ...

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