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African-American Female Gender Identity

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700- to 1,050-word paper that addresses the following:

o Select an African American woman who had an important effect on the womenâ??s movement. Describe her contributions and analyze her importance. Describe the differences and similarities between African American female and male identity. How has female identity changed in the last 30 years? How do modern African American women deal with these differences?

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Solution Summary

The solution presents the story of Mary Bethune as an important African/American woman who had great impact on women's movement. Additionally, it also discusses the differences and similarities between African American female and male identity including the changes that have presented itself in the last 30 years. References are listed for further exploration of the topic. A word version of the solution is also attached.

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OTA 105878/Xenia Jones

African-American Woman of Importance: Mary Bethune

In 1619, when the first African slaves arrived in the New World, women,men and children, the beginnings of their race's hardships in the continent began. One can say that early American history is as much the story of African-Americans as it is of the Whites. Only their story is about slavery and oppression and lives lived under the control of another. Centuries and many generations later, their story is still being written while the shadow of oppression has never left them. We mostly see this perspective from the stories written and shared by the male Blacks. But this experience was shared by the Black women as well and their actions, their perspectives and choices helped shape what would be a liberating movement in a fight for Civil Rights and equality. In the fight for Civil Rights - they were pushing for reforms on two fronts: Civil Rights for being African-American and equal rights for women. They inhibited 2 minority platforms - that of women and that of being African-American. They fought for it however and as a result, African-American women today enjoy freedoms and opportunities that their forebears didn't

One of these key figures in the African-American women's movement was Mary McLeod Bethune. She was a pioneering figure in the field of civil rights and education, working to provide education and opportunities to African-Americans believing that education is the route to progress and empowerment. She was born to former slave parents in 1875 and joined them working in the cotton fields at age 5. The 15th of 17 children, life was hard in their homestead. She was lucky in that she was made to attend the the local Presbyterian Mission School in her hometown of Mayesville, South Carolina and her teacher saw great ...

Solution provided by:
  • MPhil/PhD (IP), Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • MA, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
  • Certificate, Geva Ulpan (via Universita Tel Aviv)
  • BA, University of the Philippines
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