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Suh & Efficient Biomechanics

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Please watch the following video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4iq081DdZU and answer the following questions. Provide at least 200 words in the solution.

I wonder....how does this relate to biomechanics and how do they determine how much force Suh produces? Also, how could Suh have made his movement more efficient?

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Solution Summary

The following posting helps with a problem regarding health science. This solution discusses how a Youtube video on football player Suh's performance is related to the principles of biomechanics. It also discusses how Suh could be more efficient in his movements. The explanation is given in 241 words.

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Question: How does this relate to biomechanics and how do they determine how much force Suh produces? Also, how could Suh have made his movement more efficient?

Solution: By watching the video, one can see the importance of biometrics in performance. The more efficient a player moves, the better the performance. Newtons' first and third laws are demonstrated and friction ...

Solution provided by:
  • BA, University of Southern California
  • MSS, United States Sports Academy
  • Ed.D, Boise State University
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