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I will need to write a Power Point Presentation, please help me with some ideas. I will need to include information on the following:

o What carbohydrates are
o The difference between simple and complex carbohydrates
o How sugars are broken down and used in the body
o The benefits that carbohydrates provide to the body
· Give examples of foods that are considered healthy sources of carbohydrates.
· Include information on one of the following disorders related to carbohydrates: lactose
intolerance, diabetes, or hypoglycemia. Be sure to include a definition, how it affects the
body, and some of the courses of action used to treat and manage the disorder.

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Solution Summary

The solution provides a comprehensive overview and information on carbohydrates for a PowerPoint presentation, including what carbohydrates are, the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates, how sugars are broken down and used in the body, the benefits that carbohydrates provide to the body, and examples of foods that are considered healthy sources of carbohydrates. It also includes information on one of the following disorders related to carbohydrates: lactose, intolerance, diabetes, or hypoglycemia including a definition, how it affects the body, and some of the courses of action used to treat and manage the disorder.

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One approach to help you with an assignment like this one is to provide you with illustrative examples of PowerPoint presentations to use as exemplars for your own PowerPoint presentation. This is the approach this response takes. This is also in keeping the BrainMass policy not to complete assignments or parts of assignments for students. However, it provide excellent direction and guidance and ideas to get you started.


General characteristics
? the term carbohydrate is derived from the french: hydrate de carbone
? compounds composed of C, H, and O
? (CH2O)n when n = 5 then C5H10O5
? not all carbohydrates have this empirical formula: deoxysugars, aminosugars
? carbohydrates are the most abundant compounds found in nature (cellulose: 100 billion tons annually) (1) (see in PowerPoint form at http://wiz2.pharm.wayne.edu/biochem/carbo.ppt)

General characteristics
? Most carbohydrates are found naturally in bound form rather than as simple sugars
? Polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, inulin, gums)
? Glycoproteins and proteoglycans (hormones, blood group substances, antibodies)
? Glycolipids (cerebrosides, gangliosides)
? Glycosides
? Mucopolysaccharides (hyaluronic acid)
? Nucleic acids (1)

Classification of carbohydrates
? Monosaccharides (monoses or glycoses)
? Trioses, tetroses, pentoses, hexoses
? Oligosaccharides
? Di, tri, tetra, penta, up to 9 or 10
? Most important are the disaccharides
? Polysaccharides or glycans
? Homopolysaccharides
? Heteropolysaccharides
? Complex carbohydrates (1)

Carbohydrates: Simple
? one, two, or at most three units of sugar linked together in single molecules. ...

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