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debate the future of free standing hospitals

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Freestanding hospitals are becoming less common as more hospitals are joining or establishing relationships with multi hospital systems. These associations are driven by factors, such as unrelenting competition in local markets, aging physical plants, increasing labor costs, and higher physician fees, that place a high demand on financial assets. Despite these factors, many freestanding hospitals continue to do well financially, showing increases in total profit margins and total cash flow margins. I do believe we'll see more organizations joining forces in the near future to minimize expenses and maximize resources.

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In order to discuss the future of free standing hospitals, this solution briefly offers a personal opinion and also some resources to verify.

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Yes, I concur with you that the future for freestanding hospitals tends to look bleak since merged or multi hospital systems are replacing them and faring much better in the market. Because freestanding hospitals are highly susceptible to competition and economic ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS , Slippery Rock University
  • MA, Slippery Rock University
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