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Positive Social Change in Healthcare

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For your Final Project, share some of your ideas on how you can use the knowledge and insights gained in this course to promote positive social change in your community and the world.

To prepare for the Final Project, review all the week's Learning Resources and consider possible issues you might encounter when implementing a policy.

Note: In grading your required Final Project, your Instructor uses a Final Project Rubric located in the Course Information area. Review this rubric prior to completing your assignment.

Final Project (7-10 pages), not including the cover and the references:

In developing a policy in the country you selected, consider the following:
•Explain the rationale for selecting the country.
•Describe the social determinants of health in the country that you would need to address. Explain why you need to address these determinants.
•Explain the possible public issues you might encounter in health literacy and cultural awareness in this country.
•Describe the relationship between health inequality/inequities and life expectancy for the population in your selected country.
•Describe two current efforts in this country (you selected) to reduce health inequities.
•Explain how you might develop a health policy so that it gets the support of the country you selected. Note: Take into account the culture of the country.

Use APA formatting for your Final Project and to cite your resources. Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.

Submit your Final Project by Day 7.

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Solution Summary

Positive social change in healthcare is examined. Learning resources are considered and implementing policy.

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The reason that India was chosen is because it is a country that has over 1 billion people or 1/6th of the entire world population. The country is also one of the oldest civilizations known to mankind wherein it has existed continuously for thousands of years. India is a good case example to choose because it can be contrasted with another country with thousands of years of history and over 1 billion people, China. Therefore, India, which has one of the poorest populations in the world but is considered a growing democracy with a robust economy, should have made considerable improvements in healthcare for its citizens over the last 50 years on par with China, but this has not occurred. Although the country produces some of the best doctors in the world and has "medical tourism" wherein foreigners actually come to India to receive world class healthcare treatment at their many high tech hospitals, the normal citizens of India who represent the majority of the country, lack access to basic healthcare as well as other basic life necessities such as clean water and access to sanitation such as toilets.

To understand the situation in India, (you) must first understand it's history, which is rich in many advancements for humankind such as it's Buddhism, yoga tradition, as well as cultural sites and art. These advancements have occurred over the last thousands of years, but one area in society that hasn't advanced for thousands of years, and heavily contributes to the current situation while also shaping the current healthcare crisis, is the country's notorious "Caste" system. The country's caste system is a rigid and literally unchanged system that discriminates against tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of citizens for simply being born into a certain caste.

The caste system is akin to slavery wherein those in the lower castes are considered "untouchable" wherein they aren't even viewed as being fit to touch others in higher castes or be touched. Therefore, they are prevented from working in jobs appropriated for other castes and are forced to work in the lowest jobs available, which often are dangerous and expose them to significant health issues. The Dalits are considered the lowest caste, and these individuals in India are treated the worst but this applies to all lower castes as India has operated this rigid caste system for thousands of years. Another problem that has lingered throughout the country is its desire to honor male children over female children.

With a population that is over 1 billion people, the country ...

Solution provided by:
  • BS, Sam Houston State University, 1903 University Avenue, Huntsville, Tx 77340
  • MS, Prairie View A&M University
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