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Choosing an insurance plan

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Acme Health has three plans it offers to mid-size employers.

1.This basic one costs $4,000 for the employee this year, plus $2,500 for the spouse, and $2,500 for any number of children. It also has a family deductible amount of $2,000 before benefits (80% paid; 20% co-insurance) kick in.
2.The second plan costs $5,000 for the employee and $3,000 for a spouse and an additional amount of $3,000 to any number of children. It has a $1,000 family deductible and after that, insurance of 85%, 15% co-insurance.
3.The third plan costs $7,000 for the employee and $3,500 for the spouse and $3,500 for children. It has a $250 deductible for the total family each year. After that, insurance pays 95%, with 5% co-insurance.

As an employee of the company, which option would you take? Explain your answer.

Consider the probability of using the health services, the total expected cost of the co-payments, and the tax status of all of the expenses.

HINT: The premiums ($9,000, $11,000, or $14,000) can be paid with pretax dollars, as an income tax avoidance method. In all three cases, the employer pays nothing.

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Solution Summary

Choosing a health care plan can be very difficult. The first thing you should consider is the deductible; the money that you have to pay out of pocket before the insurance benefits kick in. As general rule, the higher the deductibles, the less premium you paid monthly. Choose a plan with the highest deductible will save you money in the long run.

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Choosing a Health Plan

1.This basic one costs $4,000 for the employee this year, plus $2,500 for the spouse, and $2,500 for any number of children. It also has a family deductible amount of $2,000 before benefits (80% paid; 20% co-insurance) kick in.
2.The second plan costs $5,000 for the employee and $3,000 for a spouse and an additional amount of $3,000 to any number of children. It has a $1,000 family deductible and after that, insurance of 85%, 15% co-insurance.
3.The third plan costs $7,000 for the employee and $3,500 for the spouse and $3,500 for children. It has a $250 deductible for the total family each year. After that, insurance ...

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