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Planning for Long Term Care

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The following solution defines long term care and discusses how a nation may develop and maintain a more extensive long term care system. This includes some of the medical professionals needed, qualifications needed for ceratin positions, recruitment opportunities etc.

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In order for a nation to develop and maintain a long term care labor force it would need an extensive human resource system since a strong system of long term care relies heavily on human labor. There are no rigid formulas needed for this since they stifle innovation and prevent health organizations from providing personnel with differentiated training or configuring the labor force in a way that takes adavntage of a particular strength in a certain geographic area . The characteristics of the labor force in the health profession often vary locally. In the United States and Canada the number of qualified people varies across states and provinces. Also the number of qualified health professionals in long term care will vary according to the market. There are also some issues to consider in developing these plans.

A way to decide which skills are needed in the long term care labor force is to consider the tasks that need to be done (Skills and occupations required). The tasks include those done by medical professionals and those done by medical personnel who do not have advanced degrees. These tasks include:
Diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of acute illnesses and chronic health conditions of long term care patients: Primarily done by medical doctors, nurses and home health aides.
Rehabilitation Services: These services require a team approach, consisting of physical and occupational therapists, physical therapist aides and in some cases , speech therapists. These services also include special equipment for the patient's needs such as wheelchairs or crutches .
Management/Asssistance of Administering medication: This is an important part of long term care for the elderly. It is normally done by Registered nurses and/or family members for the patients who cannot do this alone.
Hearing Tests: Audiologists and ...

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