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Tools for Online Educators

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1. As an online eductor/facilitator/teacher, which tech tools would you use in teaching, which have allowed for the most engaging experiences for you in terms of concept mastery, and how would you ensure that all students in your class can use the chosen tools?

2. Hall & Hord (2007) discusses the importance of addressing the concerns of learners and then working to diminish their fears and concerns. Are you familiar with their works?

Stages of Concern about Technology Use (CBAM: Concerns Based Adoption Model)
Website: http://tlc.ousd.k12.ca.us/tlc/sitetech/agendas/documents_81202/stagesofconcern.pdf
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7M6eQC1_8Cg
Hall, G. E. & Hord, S. M. (2006). Implementing Change: Patterns, Principles, and Potholes. Allyn and Bacon: Pearson Education Inc. Boston, MA.

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The solution discusses tools for online educators.

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This is a very good question! I personally use interactive applications to share ideas online with students in particular a white board. The whiteboard is a tool that offers a shared learning experience which is ideal for distant learning. The white board is defined as, a presentation device that interfaces with a computer. The computer images are displayed on the board by a digital projector, where they can be seen and manipulated. Users can control software both from the computer and from the board. Participants can add notations, and emphasize by using a pen and or highlighter tool (Bell). As well, the whiteboard most closely mirrors instruction from a tradition setting where a teacher would most commonly use a blackboard.

Since the whiteboard can accommodate different learning styles, learners can benefit from both the visual presentation of the material and the class discussion. This will help even those who are struggling to master the lessons with ease. This allows for an engaging experience for students in terms of concept mastery because it is interactive. It is also appropriate for all ages from pre-K to the diverse audience of adult learners because instruction can easily be adapted for its use. ...

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