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Teaching: Unit Plan

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Using literature in the classroom is a powerful tool for helping to meet your students' developmental needs. In this task you are to develop a week-long unit lesson plan. Your unit will need to include the following components:
- A paragraph introducing your theme or concept for the entire week.
- A rationale for your unit that clearly describes the stage of development the students you will be teaching are in.
- A paragraph describing the work of a theorist whose beliefs help to support the use of this unit within this stage of development.

Create five different lesson plans that relate to the chosen theme/concept of your unit. Remember to use the lesson plan template for creating your lessons. Explain how the objectives for your lessons measure concepts such as phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, character, setting, plot and theme. Identify and discuss a different genre of literature for each lesson plan (poetry, nursery rhymes, tactile books multicultural books, picture books, non-fiction books, series books, etc.).

I know that you can not do the work, but I was hoping that you could help me with some of the areas. These are the areas I need help with.
- A paragraph introducing your theme or concept for the entire week.
- A rationale for your unit that clearly describes the stage of development the students you will be teaching are in.
- A paragraph describing the work of a theorist whose beliefs help to support the use of this unit within this stage of development.

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Solution Summary

This is an essay on a lesson plan/unit plan about families and connections to the communities that they are a part.

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The major theme of this unit week is how families are connected to the communities. The unit will use art, music, and dance to show how families maintain various social aspects in their lives. The first lesson will be about what is a family? You can ask the preschoolers what they know about their families. You can try and talk about their cultures. What special things does your family do to celebrate certain events? There will be various art projects describing various cultures. If it is possible there will be music activities like in the book "Jazz Baby' or just letting the children try out various kinds of instruments like the blocks, sticks or any other instrument that you can get. The children can even make up their own dances when they hear any particular kind of music. The preschoolers can even use language experience stories to talk about their families and what they do special at special times.

Rationale- Preschoolers are mainly Pre-operational and they need hands on activities.

The two theorists that seem to work with this unit are Piaget and Kohlberg and his Moral development. The children will learn the value of a family and what they can teach them. Piaget and his Pre-operational stage of cognitive development will work with the various artistic materials, musical activities, and social skills regarding the family and drama. In this stage "play" is a big thing and they will ...

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